
Permit Renewal Online Scheduler

Permit Renewal Online Scheduler

Seasonal restricted materials permits are issued to property operators or their authorized representatives who have been certified to use restricted materials operator identification permits are issued to property operators to use non restricted materials.

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Agricultural Crop Report

Agricultural Crop Report

This report provides a statistical description of Stanislaus County's agricultural production. This report represents gross values of agricultural commodities and does not reflect production costs or profits.

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About Us

Who We Are

The office of the Agricultural Commissioner and Sealer of Weights and Measures is a regulatory agency acting under the authority of the State of California and direction of the California Department of Food and Agriculture; the Department of Pesticide Regulation; the Division of Measurement Standards; and in collaboration with various other federal, state, and local agencies.

What We Do

Our office enforces laws and regulations that support and protect the well-being of agriculture, the environment, business, and the community.

What We Offer

The Agricultural Division enforces pesticide laws and regulations; certifies agricultural products for export; works to detect and prevent the entry and spread of insects, weeds, and plant diseases harmful to agriculture; and certifies agricultural product quality.

The Weights and Measures Division is responsible for testing and certifying weighing and measuring devices to protect consumers and businesses by promoting a fair and equitable marketplace. The division also conducts quantity control inspections such as price verification point of sale transactions and bulk item sales.

Linda Pinfold
Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer

CLICK HERE - Ag Advisory Board